Friday, June 21, 2013


I was in a restaurant with a very impatient friend. He was so rude to the waiter. I was embarrassed for not only for the waiter but especially for my friend. Anyway, on the way home I started telling this friend about Steve, and how in all the restaurants we've been to with Steve and Mare (probably 100 or so) no matter what the situation, he always smiled at the waiters, flirted, winked, asked questions about their lives, told stupid jokes, teased them, kindly made fun of them etc. You were even pleasant to the bone head waiters like that one at that Chinese restaurant in New York ( remember the one that wasn't a Bread House)! Whenever we were with Steve, we always seemed to get the best service because he was always so cute to all the restaurant help. Thus, the simple lesson he taught me over the years is that kindness and playfulness to others is a great investment, no matter whom you give it to, it comes back to you tenfold. Thanks for all the fun and goofiness you gave to all of us. 

Memory of Annette Bell (family friend). 

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