Saturday, June 29, 2013

Memory from Stephen

OOOOOOO this is a cool thing goin on right here. This website is, rad! ( nice Chels, NICE! ha for real ) Being able to hear everyones memories and own personal experiences with the old man himself really is something else. After reading all these I’m just left with an overwhelming sense of appreciation and gratitude for my Dad and feel even more blessed to have him as my father. So thank you for sharing. 

Since being home and especially this time of year I find myself not being able to get enough of the outdoors from skiing, fishing, biking, and now with the weather all cherry I’m so amped to get out and go camping/backpacking. After my Dad passed away I distinctly remember this sense that I not only was losing my father but all my hobbies as well. Which is kind of a kooky concern. But he was always sharing his passions with me continually teaching me, giving me a deeper and deeper love and respect for the outdoors. It could have been anything and he would have always taken his time to explain to me the importance of each and every step. Even if he was drilling it into my mind getting all nuts and maybe small kind obsessive-compulsive, hah ahhh typical. He just always wanted to make sure I was enjoying whatever we were doing, and enjoy it as much as he was or more. His passions became my passions and they gave me the opportunity to see and experience the world in such unique ways. They gave me new perspectives on life. He’d always take time to enjoy the beauty around him, turning whatever he was doing into an art. I love that about him. Now in my life, I get to feel the closest to him from all that he has shared and taught with me. I get to go out and experience and enjoy the world and still feel like he's teaching me along the way, its pretty cool.

Some other quick things I love about my dad.

His compassion and genuine love for others. 
Always enjoying himself and had fun no matter what the situation.
Could still be immature and get away with it.
When he would get mad, its funny now... but wasnt then.
Sense of Humor.
Could be open minded.
The Land Cruiser.
Pit smelling action.
One cool dude.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Halloween garbage can

Quick memory from the old neighborhood. It was on Halloween and Steve hid in his garbage can in front of his house and scared all the little kids walking by. It was fun living by you him, he kept things interesting.

Memory from Trevor Sperry (neighbor). 

Friday, June 21, 2013


I was in a restaurant with a very impatient friend. He was so rude to the waiter. I was embarrassed for not only for the waiter but especially for my friend. Anyway, on the way home I started telling this friend about Steve, and how in all the restaurants we've been to with Steve and Mare (probably 100 or so) no matter what the situation, he always smiled at the waiters, flirted, winked, asked questions about their lives, told stupid jokes, teased them, kindly made fun of them etc. You were even pleasant to the bone head waiters like that one at that Chinese restaurant in New York ( remember the one that wasn't a Bread House)! Whenever we were with Steve, we always seemed to get the best service because he was always so cute to all the restaurant help. Thus, the simple lesson he taught me over the years is that kindness and playfulness to others is a great investment, no matter whom you give it to, it comes back to you tenfold. Thanks for all the fun and goofiness you gave to all of us. 

Memory of Annette Bell (family friend). 

Japanese dolls

I was thinking about when Steve went to Nagano, Japan for the Olympics. He was there working for the Olympic committee and going crazy with his millions of responsibilities. Before he left I asked him to bring home some dolls for my daughters. I never really thought he would remember, let alone take the time to shop and bring them home. But he did. He found the time to shop for 3 beautiful Japanese dolls to bring home to Kristi Ann, Natalie and Stacey. That meant the world to me. The crazy thing is he didn't bring home dolls for Chelsie and Alex, just the Bell girls.

Memory from Annette Bell (family friend). 

Steve Young's autograph

We were looking through an old scrapbook of Austin's and found a copy of a letter that he wrote to Steve Young. In it he wrote, "You are my hero. I think you are the best football player who ever lived. I wish I could give this to you myself but my good friend Steve Williams, my home teacher is giving it to you. Thank you for signing my card Steve brought." It meant a lot back then to Austin for him to take the time to do this. Not only was Steve Young Austin's hero but Steve became one also. Austin and I had the opportunity to attend a 49ers game and he was able to arrange for us to meet Steve after the game and we had Austin's picture taken with him and he signed a football which we display proudly in our home. It really meant the world to Austin and me to meet him. He was the one that arranged for this to happen. It had a great impact on Austin's young life. We as a family always enjoyed having Steve visit as our home teacher and there was never a dull moment with him around. 

Memory from Cindy Alm (neighbor). 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Hiking at Beaver Creek

I started thinking about the time when we went camping, fishing and biking up at Beaver Creek with Steve and his family. Stephen was only 2 years old and Stacey had just turned 1. I still remember the two of them toddling around in their overalls. Stacey could barely walk and Stephen had the best time following her everywhere, picking her up, and carrying her and sometimes dropping her. They were so cute!! Steve kept egging him on saying "Way to go boy, that's the way to chase a girl." Steve also told the kids a ghost story. I wonder if Alex still believes in all the crap he told the kids that night, that was pretty funny though, he scared them to death! He even let me try fly fishing with that expensive rod of his. That was a great trip. 

Memory from Annette Bell (family friend). 

White elephant dradel

Who knew that our last christmas party at Steve's house I ended up with a dradel that he gave as a white elephet gift and that I found under my bed in my room and will save and cherrish this 50 cents of plastic that remides me of such a great person that made me laugh that night so hard and would make me cry every day since. It remindes me of a man that helped give miracals to little kids and would paint pictures of corn on the delta. It remindes me of a man that never got mad at me when i was a little kid when I peed my pants sleeping over and never said anything about it and that spit a big one out the window and hit me in the eye. It remides me of a boy that could never see "big john" in the car and a man that could make everybody laugh. It remides me of a Dad who was always there for his kids and one I want to be like. It remides me of a man whose picture would be in my helmet all ski season and would be in my heart forever. Uncle Steve was one of the best people in the world. I'm so blessed to have had him as an example and a Uncle. 

Memory from Sam Williams (nephew).